Early Neutral Evaluations are a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution where the parties meet early in their divorce or custody proceeding with a neutral evaluator. Each side provides information to the evaluator and gets feedback about likely outcomes if the case does not settle and moves to litigation through the court system.
There are two types of Early Neutral Evaluations. Social Early Neutral Evaluations focus on custody, and parenting time issues. Financial Early neutral Evaluations are geared to resolve financial issues, from spousal maintenance and child support to dividing property and debts.
I’ve been successfully guiding clients through Early Neutral Evaluations for decades. I use my extensive background both as a lawyer and evaluator to prepare my clients for the Early Neutral process.
Early Neutral Evaluator
As a trained Early Neutral Evaluator, I can help you resolve your case without going to Court. I have over 25 years of experience as a family law attorney, so I can evaluate your case and issues based on the outcomes that I’ve seen from a variety of judges and referees.
Early Neutral Fees
Early Neutral Fees are set by Court Order and are based on the schedule determined by the Family Court for each county. Sometimes the fees are based on the hourly rate that your attorney charges for representing you. If you are self-represented, the fees are typically based on your income. Other counties charge a set fee for Early Neutral Evaluations.